Would you like to get in touch with the authors of this page or the network inclusion frankfurt? Do you have
information on events which concern inclusion?
Would you like to link your organisation to our webpage?
The communication of our group is organized through our mailing list
The purpose of this mailing list is to facilitate the development of a network for discussion and communication whereby only one e-mail address of the group
will be needed to reach all members. We want to widen our network. If you are interested in becoming a member (no cost involved), simply send us an email
without text to:
To de-register send a mail without text to
We are looking forward to your making intensive usage of our webpage and any support through comments, questions, discussion input and feedback.
Please also forward the information of this website to anyone who would be interested in networking for inclusion.
Your netzwerk inklusion frankfurt
Alexandra Cremer (spokesperson)
Please feel free to use this contact form to send us messages.